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Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards (I-USRA) All Schools

$6500.00Apply Now
  • Field of Study: Aerospace , Chemical , Civil , Electrical , Mechanical , Computer , Software , Mining , Environmental , Architecture , Construction , Technician , Repair , Automotive, Information Technology, Plumbing/Pipe, Refigeration and A/C, Mathematics, Physics , Astronomy , Chemistry , Geology , Biology , Botany , Zoology , Physiology , MicroBiology , Agriculture , Atmospheric , Oceanography , Geography , Environmental , Computer Science
  • Scholarship Type: Scholarship
  • Available: 15
  • Deadline: Feb 28, 2014
  • Countries Available to: Canada
  • States Available to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

Provided by: NSERC-IRAP Springboard Atlantic

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has formed a new regional partnership with the National Research Council Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) and Springboard Atlantic to help increase regional opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct research activities in Atlantic companies.

Under this new partnership, small and medium-sized Atlantic Canada companies can apply to work with undergraduate science and engineering students, on a 16-week research project and receive a reimbursement of up to $6,500 per undergraduate student ($4,500 from NSERC and $2,000 from IRAP.) Springboard Atlantic will administer the reimbursements of these funds for NRC-IRAP. Students must be paid a minimum salary of $7,625 over the 16-week period.

Which students are eligible?
Students registered in a university bachelor's degree program in natural sciences or engineering. Students must have a cumulative B or B- average. Students may hold only one USRAI or USRA per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) and may hold a maximum of three I-USRAIs or USRAs throughout their university career. I-USRAs may be held during co-op placements.

Where can a student hold their award? Industrial Undergraduate Student Research awards can be held only in the research and development facilities of companies in Canada. Producer-oriented industry associations may also be eligible to apply for awards.

How are students selected? Companies can select candidates based on interviews and other referrals. NSERC will support up to 15 students per eligible organization, per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). Awards will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to fulfillment of the eligibility conditions, and subject to availability.
Who supervises the student? Students must be supervised by full-time employees of the company. Whenever possible, supervision should be done by research staff.

When is the application deadline? Applications may be submitted at any time. For administrative purposes, NSERC should receive applications from the organization at least four weeks before the scheduled start date of the work term.

Travel allowances NSERC may approve a travel allowance for the actual costs a student incurs to get to the host organization’s work location. The allowance is based on the economy air fare between the university at which the student is registered and the organization.

Please visit the NSERC web site for complete information about this program:

How to Apply

Using the NSERC On-line System Login at , the student creates a profile and electronically submits Form 202, Part I (as well as an official university transcript) to NSERC. The student then receives an electronic PIN and Reference Number. Once this is complete, the company must create an electronic profile (unless they have already established this) under the Partner tab and submit Form 202, Part II, along with the student’s reference number. *Please note that companies submitting an initial application must also complete Form 183B online.

Do not apply online at Equals6.

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