
Join Equals6 Now

For Employers

Equals6 – A Better Way to Recruit Top Students

With E6 Recruiting Solutions you can find and connect with top students and recent grads that meet your organization’s exact needs.

Equals6 Recruiting Solutions

Attract and source top talent

Promote your organization, job openings and events with a branded profile page. Find and connect with students and recent grads that meet your requirements – search by location, program, graduation date and more.

E6 Recruiter PDF

Host online recruiting events

E6 Online Events are targeted, cost-effective and efficient. You set the criteria for which students you want to reach and Equals6 handles all the details. You will receive a contact list of registrants and a recording of the session for your Equals6 profile page.

E6 Events PDF

Sponsor a scholarship or competition

Promote your organization and connect with motivated students by becoming a named sponsor for either a Top Talent Scholarship or a student competition.

Top Talent Scholarships

What our partners are saying

Equals6 is a great way to identify and engage future star performers.
Equals6 offers engagement and connection with the next generation of skilled career professionals.
Equals6 lets us engage students before they graduate, get to know them, and promote the benefits of working with Lixar. By the time we make the hiring decision, we know it's a great fit.